Word to the wise, morsels: When hosting a game day party, make it perfectly clear which Bowl you’ll be watching, Super or Puppy. Lack of communication last year sparked an unseemly brawl, complete with weaponized canapes. Many a toupee fell on the field of battle.
This year, my sportsy chums and I have reached a compromise: We’ll watch the Seahawks and Broncos on the telly, and our assorted pooches will provide halftime entertainment. Manolo, my beloved Pom, has been practicing in secret all week.
“What’s all that crashing I hear?” “You’ll see.”
It turns out he’s going Pink! with an acrobatic performance piece.
Let’s just hope my Cousin Effluvia doesn’t mistake him for a pinata.
Speaking of hanging by a thread, the celebs caught in this week’s red-carpet stakeout lost their grip on style.
Let me cage this Pink Cricket, and I’ll file my report:
Miley Cyrus wore her costume from “Best Little Toxic Waste Dump in Texas” for her MTV “Unplugged” special, while Madonna rocked a “Mariachi Mee-Maw” ensemble.
Annie Lennox was a shoo-in to win the Miss Mylar 2014 beauty pageant. I would have celebrated with balloons, but she’s wearing all of them.
Ever-thrifty Katy Perry earns extra money by moonlighting as a small settee.
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