Man of Steel is an upcoming American superhero film directed by Zack Snyder, produced by Christopher Nolan. The film stars Henry Cavill in the title role, with Amy Adams as Lois Lane, Michael Shannon as General Zod, Diane Lane as Martha Kent, Kevin Costner as Jonathan Kent, Laurence Fishburne as Perry White, and Russell Crowe as Jor-El. Development of Man of Steel began in 2008 when Warner Bros. Pictures took pitches from comic book writers, screenwriters and directors, opting to reboot the franchise. Principal photography started in August 2011 in West Chicago before moving to Plano and Vancouver. The movie premise is like this, Clark Kent is a journalist in his twenties who was adopted as a child by Jonathan and Martha Kent after he was transported to Earth from the dying planet of Krypton. Raised with the values of his adoptive parents, he feels alienated because of his unique super powers and struggles to find his own place in life. When the world is attacked, he becomes the hero named Superman to protect the Earth and its people. The film is scheduled to be released on June 14, 2013, in conventional, 3D and IMAX theaters. Scripted by David S. Goyer, based on the DC Comics character Superman, the film will be a reboot of the Superman film series, portraying the character's origin story. Superman is always known by his awesome costume and his powers and abilities. This article shall also feature about amazing Superman Costumes. And here is the rest of it.
Superman the fictional character has always been famous among kids, teens and youngsters. The most famous thing about superman is that of it costume, This costume, the blue and red combination has always swept many girls heart away. Every year at San Diego Comic Film Festival, Superman Costumes have been center of attraction, people love to see superman, so his costume. The more we see his costume, the more we move into fantasies of hoping to be superman, but you can really become. You can order your costume online, and become the member of Man of Steel Costume League, you can join the next league of Extraordinary Superheroes, You can organize a Man of steel movie party launching and can become the hottest superman among your friends.
I hope you enjoy this article a lot, if you want to learn more about Man of Steel or about its costumes then join our Facebook page and +Best Halloween Costumes Blog.
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